Thursday, November 18, 2010

Now MY head hurts....

I have been told in lectures that the psychiatric patients tend to make you as the clinician feel as though you are the "crazy" one, or will make you feel like you are doing something wrong for not understanding them. Today, I understood this little gem of information....

Me: "So, I see you are here in the ER for head and neck pain. Have you tried anything over the counter yet?"

Patient: "Yeah, I try this "Pain Free" box at the dollar store, but the Bengay been keepin' things in their perspective."

He went on a "flight of ideas" rant as the medical student approached.

Medical Student: "Can you describe this pain for us?"

Patient: "It's like when you have a sock on your forehead and the bar goes back behind, like, you know, and the volume is moving back and forward and back, but it's not expanding."

I'm still not really sure what he was trying to say, but he DID have degenerative joint disease.....

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Staring a blog....

So, I'm a first year PA student. Thought I would start a blog to represent PAs and PA students in the medical blog stratosphere. I'll be posting any witty observations/medical humor that I come across during my medical education.